Ontario Standard Lease
Here is a link to the Ontario Standard Lease.
This is how we fill in the blanks:
This is how we fill in the blanks:
- Page One: Names of all five Tenants are inserted. Address of the rental unit is completed. None of our homes are condominiums.
- Page Two: The Landlord's contact information is provided: home address, email address, and telephone number. Tenants share their email addresses. The tenancy start date of May 1st is listed. The end date of the tenancy after a three-year term is stated.
- Page Three: The rent agreed upon, any parking charges agreed upon, and the utility charge as agreed upon are paid to Colin Hignett by email transfer, post-dated cheque, or certified cheque/cash delivered to the Landlord's address on the first of each of month.
- Page Four: Utilities (gas, water, and electricity at 24 Young and 58 Regina), on-site laundy (coin-operated at 24 Young), a/c (at 180 Regina) are provided by the Landlord. Tenants pay utilities independently at 180 Regina. Special guest parking and extra storage are not provided.
- Page Five: There is a discount for prompt payment of rent of 2%. A deposit of the last month's rent is required. A refundable key deposit of $75 is required.
- Page Six: One key is provided at 180 Regina and two keys are provided at 58 Regina and 24 Young. No smoking is allowed. Tenants are expected to have Liability Insurance (content insurance is optional).
- Page Seven: There are additional terms (see below)
- Page Eight: The Tenants and Landlord or Landlord's agent sign here.
Additional Terms
Additional Terms:
(b) Subtenants must be university of college students. All roommates must consent to any subtenants moving in.
(c)The listed Tenant continues to be responsible for all keys as well as any damages incurred by the Subtenant. The Tenant is responsible for delivering vacant tenancy at the end of the tenancy.
(c) A Subtenant is expected to comply with the foregoing rules, regulations, conditions, and agreements. If the Subtenant does not comply, the Landlord has all the remedies stated in the Agreement as well as under the RTA. The Landlord is not liable for any loss of monies incurred by the Tenant because of the removal of the Subtenant.
This is a fixed term lease. All five Tenants together may terminate the tenancy created by this Tenancy Agreement beginning April 24, 2020, without penalty or fees, as long as the Landlord has been notified in writing of their desire to do so before December 1st, 2019, or by December 1st, 2020 in year 2. This clause, in effect allows the tenants, to change the tenancy term to either 1 year or 2 years, as long as written notice as outlined in the Residential Tenancy Act has been given to the Landlord, of their intention to do this, on or before the dates specified above.
- Small screws, tacks, or nails may NOT be used to affix decorations/frames/posters on the walls. Only damage-free, removable adhesive hooks may be used, so long as they do not peel paint or cause any damages to the walls.
- No Tenant shall cut or alter any wiring (TV, electrical, telephone, or otherwise).
- The use of any BBQ, or camp stove, whether gas, electrical or otherwise is strictly prohibited inside the structure and on the common grounds without the written consent of the Landlord.
- The use of the laundry facilities is subject to rules, regulations, and notices provided by the Landlord. Laundry should not be hung in or about any portion of the rented premises in a way which, in the opinion of the Landlord, is likely to cause damage to the rented premises or disrupt the enjoyment of the common areas. The heat exchanger must operate during the heating season.
- No noise caused by the Tenant, or instrument or other device, which in the opinion of the Landlord disturbs the reasonable enjoyment of the premises by the other residents or the neighbours, shall be permitted.
- The Tenant shall replace all broken or worn light bulbs, fuses and batteries as required, and these should be operable when the Tenant vacates.
- The Tenant agrees to store garbage in sealed garbage bags in the bin provided, with lid shut, and in the blue box provided to them, and take the blue box to the curb by 7 a.m. on the designated pick-up day, or after 7 p.m. on the previous night and to pick up any empty blue boxes from the curb before 9 a.m. the following day. If dumpster is provided, all garage shall be placed directly into the dumpster bin. No garbage shall be stored in stairways or common areas at any time. Any penalties or fees resulting from failure to do this will be paid by the Tenant.
- The Tenant shall not use or permit any flags, blankets, foil or other unconventional window coverings or outside posters, which in the opinion of the Landlord, are detrimental to the appearance of the building.
- The Landlord reserves the right to prohibit pets that the Landlord deems will interfere with the wellbeing of other tenants. The Tenant is solely liable for any damages, injuries, claims, or actions by any parties whatsoever which occur as the result of the Tenant or the guests of the Tenant bringing an animal onto the premises or Landlord’s property.
- The Tenant shall not block entryways, store possessions outside the rented premises other than a personal, operable automobile (unless with the Landlord’s consent), or erect shades, awnings, flower boxes, signs, satellite dishes, or other items which the Landlord deems to be unattractive over or outside the windows or doors.
- Lessee can not store any belongings on Premises outside the term of the lease. Anything left in or on the property will be removed within one week of the Expiry Date.
- Provided that where the premises becomes vacant and remains so for a period of 15 days without notice to the Landlord, it shall be presumed that the Tenants have abandoned the premises and the Landlord may re-enter and take immediate possession of the premises. This does not limit or excuse the Tenant from any obligations under this lease.
- Entry: The grounds, shared entrances and stairways, shared laundry facilities, garage, sheds and/or utility areas are for use in common with the Landlord and subject to the Landlord’s conditions. Lessee agrees that all reasonable times during the term of this lease; Landlord or its agents may enter these shared spaces for the purpose of inspection, cleaning, repairs or renovations as necessary without notice. Regularly scheduled inspections of all units and bedrooms may be completed at the Lessor's discretion with 24-hour notice. Furthermore, the Lessee agrees that the Landlord may enter the rented premise in the manner specified under the provincial guidelines for the purpose of exercising its rights to show the premise to prospective new tenants. The Lessee may also consent to entry prior to 24 hour written notice. Emergency entry may also be necessary in the event of fire or flood or any other event that warrants emergency entry. The Landlord will make a reasonable effort to give the Lessee sufficient notice.
- The Tenant will not store contaminants or other noxious, dangerous, or toxic substances on or about the rented premises or the landlord’s property.
- Use of candles, including burning incense is not permitted inside the premises. The Tenant shall not do or permit anything to be done in or around the premises, or bring or keep anything therein, which shall in any way create a risk of fire or increase the rate of fire insurance in respect of the premises or create a nuisance at law.
- The Tenant will immediately notify the Landlord in writing of any damage or malfunction of smoke detectors supplied by the Landlord and the Landlord agrees to service the same (the Tenant agreeing to reimburse the Landlord if the malfunction is caused by the action or negligence of the Tenant or the Tenant’s guest).
- The premises shall not be used for any illegal purpose, and in particular, the Tenant covenants that the premises shall not be used, occupied, or frequented by any person who sells, distributes, or uses narcotic drugs.
- The Tenant must notify the Landlord of any damage to or malfunction of appliances, toilets, gas and water pipes, and lights or electrical outlets, as well as plumbing problems or leaks, or any and all other concerns, as soon as possible, or the Tenant will be responsible for any extra expense that would have otherwise been avoided.
- The Tenant shall not violate, or permit or tolerate violation of any Federal, Provincial, or Municipal statutes, laws, by-laws or regulations. The Tenant will abide by any posted regulations for use of the common areas or additional services.
- Waterbeds are not permitted unless by written approval by the Landlord.
(b) Subtenants must be university of college students. All roommates must consent to any subtenants moving in.
(c)The listed Tenant continues to be responsible for all keys as well as any damages incurred by the Subtenant. The Tenant is responsible for delivering vacant tenancy at the end of the tenancy.
(c) A Subtenant is expected to comply with the foregoing rules, regulations, conditions, and agreements. If the Subtenant does not comply, the Landlord has all the remedies stated in the Agreement as well as under the RTA. The Landlord is not liable for any loss of monies incurred by the Tenant because of the removal of the Subtenant.
This is a fixed term lease. All five Tenants together may terminate the tenancy created by this Tenancy Agreement beginning April 24, 2020, without penalty or fees, as long as the Landlord has been notified in writing of their desire to do so before December 1st, 2019, or by December 1st, 2020 in year 2. This clause, in effect allows the tenants, to change the tenancy term to either 1 year or 2 years, as long as written notice as outlined in the Residential Tenancy Act has been given to the Landlord, of their intention to do this, on or before the dates specified above.